Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Fall is definitely here. The day started out cold, but it turned out to be really nice. When I woke up it was in the low 40s outside, and low to mid 50s inside (depending on the room). We haven't turned the heat on yet, and I'm hoping we can hold off for at least several more weeks before we do. I have to admit, though, that I did use an electric heater for about 15 minutes this evening while showering.

Because there was a frost advisory in effect for our area last night we had covered the pepper plants and some herbs with sheets. Once it warmed up a bit this morning I went out and removed the sheets. Fortunately it had not frosted, but I'm glad we covered the plants up just to be safe.

I took off from work a few minutes early today so I could go out while there was still some sun. The sun was already mostly behind the trees, however, so it was starting to cool down. I went over to the garden to check on the yellow jacket nests. I saw no sign of activity, so it looks like the pesticide I applied worked. After that I raked a few leaves, and added them as mulch to the herb garden extension. I shouldn't have any problem getting enough leaves to finish covering the entire herb garden with several inches of leaves.

I am considering changing my schedule a bit now that the temperature is cooling down and the days are getting shorter. I should be able to go out for an hour during lunch, and may even extend my lunch break beyond that and just work later in the evenings to make up for it. It is very nice having the flexibility to adjust my schedule like this if I want to do so.

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